You'll create a new layer each time you do this, so you'll need to delete the old layer each time. The Drawing tools tab will appear make the size of the WordArt square.

On the ribbon choose Insert / WordArt and select a predefined style. Adjust the words by free-rotating the top layer, if need be. One line will be used for the upper text and one for the bottom line of text in the circle.Go back to the Paths tab and right-click->delete both of them.Use a paint brush, gradient, or whatever to color this uppermost layer, which should be only your letters.Make sure Transparency is selected, then click OK. When you're happy with the text size/placement, go to the Paths tab and right click on the one that has your words in it.You can rotate the text later it just needs to be distributed around the circle correctly for now. Most likely, you will need to ctrl+z and adjust the size of your font, then click "Text along Path" again.To test placement, click "Text along Path" (should be in the tool options of the text tool).Text tool -> type your text (the box where it appears on the image must be long enough so it does NOT wrap).Use circle selection tool to make your circle.(Note: I use several tabs in the toolbox for this: layers, tool options, and paths.) A Microsoft Word document is open with text on. r/FreeCAD FOSS Parametrical CAD/CAM /r/scribus Desktop Publishing Darktable FOSS tool for photographers Text wrap causes all of the text to wrap around the image so that the image does not interfere with line spacing. r/gmic FOSS image processing framework /r/inkscape Vector-based graphic editor /r/blender 3D modeling, animation, & rendering /r/mypaint painting for digital painters /r/darktable/ photo editing software /r/krita digital painting application /r/synfig FOSS 2D Animation /r/FOSSPhotography Folks who use all the above /r/libredesign changing the paradigm Other Links of Interest Outreach through well written tutorials, presentation etc.

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